Data Analyst

Work Role ID: 422  |  Workforce Element: Cyber IT

What does this role do? Examines data from multiple disparate sources with the goal of providing new insight. Designs and implements custom algorithms, flow processes and layouts for complex, enterprise-scale data sets used for modeling, data mining, and research purposes.

KSAT ID Description KSAT
22 Core: Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies. Knowledge
108 Core: Knowledge of risk management processes (e.g., methods for assessing and mitigating risk). Knowledge
166 Skill in conducting queries and developing algorithms to analyze data structures. Skill
201 Skill in generating queries and reports. Skill
1120 Ability to interpret and incorporate data from multiple tool sources. Ability
1157 Core: Knowledge of national and international laws, regulations, policies, and ethics as they relate to cybersecurity. Knowledge
1158 Core: Knowledge of cybersecurity principles. Knowledge
1159 Core: Knowledge of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Knowledge
6900 Core: Knowledge of specific operational impacts of cybersecurity lapses. Knowledge
KSAT ID Description KSAT
21 Knowledge of computer algorithms. Knowledge
23 Knowledge of computer programming principles such as object-oriented design. Knowledge
28 Knowledge of data administration and data standardization policies and standards. Knowledge
31 Knowledge of data mining and data warehousing principles. Knowledge
32 Knowledge of database management systems, query languages, table relationships, and views. Knowledge
35 Knowledge of digital rights management. Knowledge
44 Knowledge of enterprise messaging systems and associated software. Knowledge
65A Knowledge of Information Theory (e.g., source coding, channel coding, algorithm complexity theory, and data compression). Knowledge
74 Knowledge of low-level computer languages (e.g., assembly languages). Knowledge
75A Knowledge of mathematics, including logarithms, trigonometry, linear algebra, calculus, statistics, and operational analysis. Knowledge
79 Knowledge of network access, identity, and access management (e.g., public key infrastructure [PKI]). Knowledge
90 Knowledge of operating systems. Knowledge
98 Knowledge of policy-based and risk adaptive access controls. Knowledge
102 Knowledge of programming language structures and logic. Knowledge
104 Knowledge of query languages such as SQL (structured query language). Knowledge
120 Knowledge of sources, characteristics, and uses of the organization’s data assets. Knowledge
135 Knowledge of the capabilities and functionality associated with various technologies for organizing and managing information (e.g., databases, bookmarking engines). Knowledge
172 Skill in creating and utilizing mathematical or statistical models. Skill
186 Skill in developing data dictionaries. Skill
187 Skill in developing data models. Skill
224A Skill in the use of design modeling (e.g., unified modeling language). Skill
238A Skill in writing code in a currently supported programming language (e.g., Java, C++). Skill
342 Knowledge of Unix command line (e.g., mkdir, mv, ls, passwd, grep). Knowledge
400 Analyze and define data requirements and specifications. Task
401 Analyze and plan for anticipated changes in data capacity requirements. Task
520B Develop and implement data mining and data warehousing programs. Task
529 Develop data standards, policies, and procedures. Task
702 Manage the compilation, cataloging, caching, distribution, and retrieval of data. Task
796 Provide a managed flow of relevant information (via web-based portals or other means) based on a mission requirements. Task
815 Provide recommendations on new database technologies and architectures. Task
904 Knowledge of interpreted and compiled computer languages. Knowledge
905 Knowledge of secure coding techniques. Knowledge
910 Knowledge of database theory. Knowledge
1088 Skill in using binary analysis tools (e.g., Hexedit, command code xxd, hexdump). Skill
1091 Skill in one way hash functions (e.g., Secure Hash Algorithm [SHA], Message Digest Algorithm [MD5]). Skill
1115 Skill in reading Hexadecimal data. Skill
1116 Skill in identifying common encoding techniques (e.g., Exclusive Disjunction [XOR], American Standard Code for Information Interchange [ASCII], Unicode, Base64, Uuencode, Uniform Resource Locator [URL] encode). Skill
1124 Knowledge of advanced data remediation security features in databases. Knowledge
1128 Knowledge of Java-based database access application programming interface (API) (e.g., Java Database Connectivity [JDBC]). Knowledge
3722 Skill in data mining techniques (e.g., searching file systems) and analysis. Skill
5030 Analyze data sources to provide actionable recommendations. Task
5080 Assess the validity of source data and subsequent findings. Task
5100 Collect metrics and trending data. Task
5120 Conduct hypothesis testing using statistical processes. Task
5140 Confer with systems analysts, engineers, programmers and others to design application. Task
5220 Develop and facilitate data-gathering methods. Task
5270 Develop strategic insights from large data sets. Task
5430 Present technical information to technical and non-technical audiences. Task
5440 Present data in creative formats. Task
KSAT ID Description KSAT
5550 Program custom algorithms. Task
5570 Provide actionable recommendations to critical stakeholders based on data analysis and findings. Task
5640 Utilize technical documentation or resources to implement a new mathematical, data science, or computer science method. Task
6050 Ability to build complex data structures and high-level programming languages. Ability
6120 Ability to dissect a problem and examine the interrelationships between data that may appear unrelated. Ability
6130 Ability to identify basic common coding flaws at a high level. Ability
6180 Ability to use data visualization tools (e.g., Flare, HighCharts, AmCharts, D3.js, Processing, Google Visualization API, Tableau, Raphael.js). Ability
6190 Effectively allocate storage capacity in the design of data management systems. Task
6200 Knowledge of applications that can log errors, exceptions, and application faults and logging. Knowledge
6300 Knowledge of how to utilize Hadoop, Java, Python, SQL, Hive, and PIG to explore data. Knowledge
6311 Knowledge of machine learning theory and principles. Knowledge
6470 Read, interpret, write, modify, and execute simple scripts (e.g., PERL, VBS) on Windows and UNIX systems (e.g., those that perform tasks such as: parsing large data files, automating manual tasks, and fetching/processing remote data). Task
6520 Skill in assessing the predictive power and subsequent generalizability of a model. Skill
6570 Skill in identifying hidden patterns or relationships. Skill
6610 Skill in performing format conversions to create a standard representation of the data. Skill
6620 Skill in performing sensitivity analysis. Skill
6650 Skill in developing machine understandable semantic ontologies Skill
6651 Skill in Regression Analysis (e.g., Hierarchical Stepwise, Generalized Linear Model, Ordinary Least Squares, Tree-Based Methods, Logistic). Skill
6690 Skill in transformation analytics (e.g., aggregation, enrichment, processing). Skill
6710 Skill in using basic descriptive statistics and techniques (e.g., normality, model distribution, scatter plots). Skill
6720 Skill in using data analysis tools (e.g., Excel, STATA SAS, SPSS). Skill
6730 Skill in using data mapping tools. Skill
6750 Skill in using outlier identification and removal techniques. Skill
6760 Skill in writing scripts using R, Python, PIG, HIVE, SQL, etc. Skill
6780 Utilize different programming languages to write code, open files, read files, and write output to different files. Task
6790 Utilize opens source language such as R and apply quantitative techniques (e.g., descriptive and inferential statistics, sampling, experimental design, parametric and non-parametric tests of difference, ordinary least squares regression, general line). Task